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So I’ve set myself a challenge to go to 12 different countries in the year of 2015.

The reason for this challenge, is because I travel a lot for work anyway, and I love to travel when I’ve got the cash and some time off from work. I didn’t think this challenge should be to hard.


January – Germany (Munich)
February – Netherlands (Hengelo/Enschede, Dordrecht, Leiden, Amsterdam)*
February – Sweden (Stockholm)
February/March – Iceland (Around the entire country)
March – Spain (Madrid)*
April – Spain (Marbella)*
May – Saudi Arabia (Jeddah)*
June – Hungary (Budapest)
June – Germany (Frankfurt – airport anyway)*
June – Canada (Ottawa)*
July – France (Bordeaux)
August – no international travel!
September – UAE (Dubai)*
September – Qatar (Doha)*
October – Spain (Calella, Barcelona)
November – no international travel!
December – Belgium (Brussels & Bruges)
December – Norway (Oslo)

Total: 13
* Denotes a work trip.

So as of 4th of December I’d hit 12 unique counties for the year. That’s the challenge completed with time to spare.

I have traveled around the world, but not seen places or lived it. Travelling with business isn’t what a lot of people expect it to be. Yes it is free meals and flights, but business class travel doesn’t exist. You are crammed into a small seat breathing recycled air. After a long flight you jump into a taxi and answer emails not paying attention as you make your way to the hotel or office. You then do the reverse and don’t get to really live the culture.

However I have seen some stuff that lots of people will never seen, such as the world’s largest freestanding flag pole and flag (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) and met some awesome people around the world. But I’d love to do these trips much slower and get time to learn people and explore the surroundings. Live how the locals live and learn from the cultures.